Out of the Dust

Amber Zone Format

The format of an Amber Zone scenario is quite simple. There is one part with Players’ Information and one part with Referee’s Information. Below is an example.

You can also have a look at the previous contest entries.

AMBER ZONE: Name of your scenario

Players’ Information

Here goes information about the location, the situation and what the Player Characters can, should or must do and the reward for doing this. This is the part that is presented to the players.

Referee’s Information

Here goes all complications (about the situation and the reward and other things that may complicate things for the Player Characters) that the Player Characters don’t know anything about.

There are no D6 options or D6 possible outcomes.

Designs, blueprints and tables may be added if needed. A picture is always nice. Wikimedia Commons is a good place to find an image that You can use.

Out of the Dust

Out of the Dust : image from wikimedia

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